Erdogan’s secret assassin squads, with links to ISIS, exposed by insider

A Turkish whistleblower has claimed that a defence consulting company in Turkey has been training a secret armed organization to serve as an alternative army to Turkish Security Forces (TSK) and carry out bloody attacks on the orders of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan against Kurds and that it has previously trained ISIS militias. This comes only weeks after UndercoverInfo revealed how Turkey had been arming ISIS and also how the secretive JITEM (paramilitaries) had been assassinating opposition activists.

Fuat Avni, an anonymous (parody) Twitter user with nearly 3 million followers, took to Twitter late on Saturday to report about the SADAT International Defense Consulting company, which he claims to be training a secret army to serve for Erdoğan’s purposes. Avni has a credible record of uncovering corruption and irregularities rampant among Turkish Government officials. He has claimed to have been in the inner circle of President Erdoğan.

On Saturday he claimed in a series of tweets that a secret army, as well as some ISIS members, have been trained by SADAT Defense Consulting.

The company was founded by the retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi as an illegal formation but under legal disguise on the orders of Erdoğan in 2012.

The whistleblower says that the defense company once trained ISIS members, but ceased doing so when Western intelligence organizations found out about it.

According to Fuat Avni’s tweets, the company now trains teenagers from the youth branch of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Osmanlı Ocakları (Ottoman Organization) – a movement whose members are open supporters of Erdoğan – as assassins to stage bloody attacks in Turkey and abroad.

“People and organizations that speak out against the narcissist [Erdoğan] will not only be tried, but will also be targeted by this secret armed organization,” the whistleblower said, regarding the alleged organisation as a bridge to a possible civil war in Turkey.

Here is a brochure by SADAT Consulting.

The consultancy trains military forces in special forces operations and unconventional warfare. It also provides ordance. Its trainers include officers and NCOs who have successfully completed and been retired after serving;

  1. with the War Academy and Armed Forces Academy
  2. Commander to a Brigade / Division / Corps or higher units in Land Forces (or equivalent positions in Navy /Air Forces / General Command of Gendarme)
  3. Staff in Army / Navy / Air Forces Headquarters or Staff in The Headquarter of The Presidency of General Staff of Turkish Armed Forces
  4. Military Attache, Staff in NATO Headquarters
  5. Commander or High Ranking Staff to any troops against terrorism in high risk areas for interior security missions
  6. Staff to Military Training or Educational Centers

SADAT also trains police, including riot police, in counter-insurgency.

SADAT Board members include:

Chairman : Brigadier General (R) Adnan TANRIVERDI
Vice Chairman : Colonel (R) Prof.Dr. Mehmet ZELKA
Member : Air Force Pilot Sen. Col. (R) Haluk YILDIRIM
Member : Eln.Eng. A.K. Melih TANRIVERDI
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